How to Write a Profitable Blog Post For Successful Blogging

The next agenda upon having a new blog is writing content. But blog writing is not just a simple writing project. You have to learn how to write a blog post that is of interest to a particular audience. In simple terms, you need to master how to write a blog that sells. Famous blogs are not because of how well-designed they are but because the blog post that the writers offer are well-written.

This guide will make you ready to take on the challenge on writing content that interests the readers. Do not waste time writing blogs that have poor quality content. Instead, choose the difficult path on how to write a blog post that has great content for this will ultimately take you to prosperity.

What is Great Content?

Defining “great content” is subjective. It’s like trying to define a good movie or a book. So it is understandable that other people may question an author’s perspective about what makes content great. It depends on a lot of factors including personality, gender, needs, ethics, and the nature that they are in. Bloggers have different perspectives and so does the readers. But basically, there are 5 ingredients that can be found on all great content that both readers and bloggers can agree upon:

1. Usefulness

Know who are writing for to identify what you should be writing about. Learn about their wants and needs-anything that could be of use to them. The topics can revolve around the following:

Amusement – readers often look for articles that entertain. They want something that could generate a few good laughs and one that can be used for a light conversation.

Educational – there are also readers who really want to learn something from a blog. Blog readers are primarily interested in learning something about a given topic and they also want to learn about new ideas.

Enlightening – a lot of readers search blogs to become enlightened about recent issues and may even refer to blogs for product reviews and other topics that needs to be confirmed through ideas presented by bloggers.

Dialogue – other readers prefer to hold conversations about issues that concern them on blogs. It is also quite a familiar sight for blogs to become a venue of debates over something be it an issue or a product.

Updates – there are also readers that keep abreast of news through blog updates.

Content Curation – readers who are researching about a particular topic look for more information on other blogs. The more blogs are read, the more information is gathered and
compared to see which one is the best source of information.

Sense of Community – there are blogs that are successful because it has tapped into the innate nature of humans to connect and feel that sense of belonging. Communities are then made with a shared interest to a particular topic.

2. Uniqueness

A blog is published almost every second. With this number, one can expect that every topic you can possibly come up with already has a blog about it. Writing a blog that has a unique quality to it now becomes a challenge. It is not a question of how to write a blog anymore but rather how to write a blog post that gets picked from among thousands of other similar blog post.

A distinct content has a direct positive impact to your blog since it will show on how strong you have established your own personal brand. This becomes a reflection on how strong you can be as a leader in your field and it naturally gives you opportunities to be known as an expert. Other than establishing a personal brand, blog writing with distinct content builds authority over other bloggers. Distinct or original content builds a good reputation and even Google will recognize this quality.

3. Reliability

By being a source of information, a blog should always be accurate. A blogger should consider facts as the main concern whenever writing a blog. Factual information can be gathered by diligently making a thorough research for every post. Choose reliable sources and make it a habit to delve deeper into the issue rather than accepting it in face value. Remember that all information should be based on facts so never forget to cite sources correctly as well.

4. Reliability

Most readers go for a good read that is not too complicated. A trick to writing a blog that sells is reaching out to the audience by speaking their language. One thing that is noticeable amongst successful blogs is that the content is laid in simple terms. This eliminates the need to stress out over dense ideas. Instead, the context can be grasped after going over it once.

Make the content free from complex words, choose simple subjects, and state the message outright. This does not equate to dumbing down the content but rather having it a manner that the audience can relate to without much thought.

Consider the Format
There is importance in composing a post that is both readable at a glance and has that inviting look to make the reader read more. Do this by structuring the post in parts. Use sub-headings to summarize the content for each cloud of thought. This will not only make the content clearer but will also allow the reader to rest the eyes in between making them ready to finish the whole article without having a headache or an eye strain.

Avoid Simple Mistakes
Grammatical and spelling errors are major turn-offs. Not only will it ruin the whole content but it will also fend off readers. Upon studying how to blog, take note that mistakes, no matter how small, can be quite distracting and losing the momentum could mean losing the chance of
enticing the reader to read until the end. Writing content is not enough. Allot time to proofread everything before finally publishing your each post.

5. Engaging

Having content that is appealing to the readers is the key to higher conversions. A well-researched piece is nothing if there is no market for it. When we say market, this means a group of people who are likely to get sold to the idea after reading the blog post. But it shouldn’t stop at reading. A reader is truly convinced if the post is shared multiple times over various platforms like social media. That only happens when you write appealing content, one that is of real value to them that it makes them want to delve into the topic further. The reader becomes so engaged with what he reads that he wants other people to know about it too.

To make an appealing content means using all resources to create an engaging content. These are some great tips to have an engaging content that every blogger should know about on the road to learning about how to write a blog:

1. Write Convincing Headlines
A headline is your first chance of getting noticed. Grab the attention of the reader in an instant by writing a headline that captivates. Make it intriguing enough that the reader can’t get it off his mind. It is guaranteed that he will read the whole story once you have captured his interest.

2. Include Personal Accounts of Events
One way to make the content relatable is by making it personal. Readers are more likely to get drawn over real stories compared to fiction. Do not limit on your personal stories, do tell also about others’ stories that you know the audience can relate to. Narrate in a humorous manner
to lighten things up as people respond more to funny anecdotes. This will not only make readers hooked but rather create a bond with you.

3. Suggest Distinctive Benefits
As a reader, the primary concern goes to the benefits after reading a blog post. If you are able to convey that you got the answers they are looking for or that they can have the knowledge they want afterwards, then it will be a given that they will follow you for more.

4. Illustrate
Visual elements like photos, charts, videos, and even diagrams are effective tools in citing vital points. These are also easier to share but make sure that these visuals are actually related and can provide more value to the post.

5. Provoke Their Thoughts with Questions
Another trick to keep the audience engaged is by making their brain work by giving them puzzling thoughts at the end of the post. It does not need to be such a complicated question but rather one that compels them to reflect on their own take about the issue. It will trigger the reader to leave a comment and come back for replies or comments from other readers.

6. Don’t be Afraid to Dig Deep
Do not get scared with posting long content. Some tips on how to write a blog suggest that posts must be written in short form. However, doing so limits your moment to create a positive impression. Instead, be comprehensive on getting thoughts across. This actually works as according to surveys, blog posts that are over a thousand words long are consistently shared and are more likely to get linked to. As long as you share something valuable, readers will not look at how long the post is but rather appreciate its worth so much that they get excited to
share the same knowledge to others.

7. Surprise Readers with Treats
Everyone loves getting treats for free. Giving freebies is probably the oldest trick in marketing and it is still effective even in digital form. Giveaways that are as simple as e-books are enough to make readers want to be back for more. Make it your goal to offer something important, one that any reader would give value to make it look like they are getting a lot just by reading your blog.

You can tell that these tricks are effective means of writing engaging content when you are able to illicit an action from the readers. Most of the time the readers can process the information you provide and will apply it at once. This is the most positive feedback that you get from the audience, when you get to convince them about your views without actually offending their own opinions. However, there is also a type of audience that needs more than a nudge. In this case, it is better to also suggest what to do next or offer advices that might work with them. There’s really no harm in doing so as long as you do it in a non-obtrusive manner.

Thus, blogging should not stop at learning how to write a blog. The most valuable lesson you should learn in blog writing is that you must be able to initiate change by presenting well- written blog posts. Offer solutions by giving the audience facts. Make them believe by striving to deliver well- researched materials. And finally, excite them with your wit in delivering thought-provoking content.

Types of Content

Writing content is basic when you are blogging. Although it is a given, you may still find it quite a challenge to come up with ideas and how you can translate them into words so that the audience can appreciate it as a blog post. This is why, as a blogger, you have to be patient in knowing the different varieties of content.

Principles of Effective Content Creation

Improve Your Writing Skills

How to write a blog is easy. It is writing content that is thought- provoking and engaging is not. Grammar and smelling can be checked but writing blogs is not only about writing well. There are far more important points to consider like capturing the reader’s’ attention, creating a connection, and persuading the readers.

Here are some valuable tips to improve writing skills:

1. Read. A lot.
When you want to learn how to write a blog, you read from different guides and visit other blogs for inspiration. This goes the same for writing. It is a skill that needs to be honed and you can only get it right when you are able to see, appreciate, and apply the techniques used by other people in writing compelling pieces.

2. Do Not Disregard Grammar Rules
Bad grammar destroys the whole post. Rules are meant to be followed to give the sentences proper structure and it results to an understandable article. Commas and periods may be too small to notice but their placement can change the context.

3. Spare Time for Proofreading
Errors are unavoidable. But when you are writing a blog, you can spot these mistakes after thoroughly reading your post. Make it a habit to read the article over and over until you are not able to find a stray comma, missing periods, and misspelled words, among others.

4. Avoid Fillers
Although there are benefits of having longer articles because you can explain your points in a more comprehensive way, there is no need to do so if the same goal can be achieved in lesser words. During proofreading, if you notice that the article is going into circles, the audience will feel the same. Remove the unnecessary parts and you can see a huge difference afterwards.

5. Constantly Assess Your Writing
One way to improve writing skills is by being a critic to your own work. One thing you need to understand on how to write a blog is that many people, thousands in fact, are going to criticize your articles. Be the first to assess your style by reading previous work after a few days of writing it. By then you can evaluate the post and see it in a completely different way when you first posted it. You can also ask a trusted friend/ blogger to help you point out which areas you need to improve more.

6. Be a Keen Reader
A passionate reader can easily become a passionate writer. Being passionate means going deeper than the surface. You do not read just because you like it but rather because you are consumed by the goal of honing your craft in writing.

7. Follow a Writing Routine
Write frequently and stick to a schedule. Making writing a habit makes it easier to condition both the mind and body to write more. You only not get to be more productive but you are also able to practice your skills.

WordPress Blogging Workflow

Upon the decision to know how to write blog, it is a must that you strictly follow a WordPress blogging workflow. Blogging is not merely writing content. There is a process that should be followed so that you end up with a well- written blog post every single time. Workflows are different with every blogger and it is your responsibility to find one that fits you most.

Organize Your Blog Content Ideas

Writing content becomes a pain when ideas are all over the place. One way to overcome this challenge is to organize everything. You may use tags as identifiers to make it easier to group ideas together. Having a certain structure will lessen the clutter and will even help with finding new topics to write about since you can easily check which areas are not yet covered.

Arrange Ideas According to a System

Best Blogging Practices

1. Identify blogging goals

You can only measure success if you are able to set goals at the start of your blogging journey. Identifying what your goals are is one of the top blogging practices that all successful bloggers do. Your goals are what will guide you with every blog post that you create. If you are blogging for money, then you will know you’ve succeeded if you are able to monetize your blog.

No matter what your blogging goals are, it is recommended that you make a certain time frame or phases according to how long you wish to attain the goals. Making this will let you identify what other blogging practices is applicable during a specific phase.

Long Term Actions – these are methods that will take more than 6 months to see the results. Naturally, a lot of activities are involved during this phase. This is where you can do article submissions, join Facebook groups and other communities, and get interactive with your audience.

Short Term Actions – these are activities that will take around 3 to 6 months to do. They are to be down once the Immediate Actions are already established. During this phase, you are to maintain the momentum by investing in Facebook Ads, introducing fresh ideas, stats tracking, joining blog rings, and engaging on social media to connect with the readers.

Immediate Actions – these are the baby steps you take towards your goals. The steps usually consist of small activities that help build the foundations of your blog. Start with creating a spreadsheet for stats monitoring. You must also try to follow a consistent posting schedule and make sure that you cover social media posting too. Even when you have just started, it is during this time that you need to come up with ideas for future posts so that you can keep up with your schedule.

Identify blogging goals and constantly check your progress in meeting them. If you are unable to attain them in the expected time frame, check which actions are needed to be boosted or changed until you finally achieve the goals.

2. Do Your Best to Become an Expert

Learn your craft.
Having knowledge about blogging practices is not enough. You need to also learn about how to apply them and continue to develop skills on writing a blog. Do not limit yourself with the basic information you get but rather strive to discover more about how to create a blog that is engaging.

Reap the benefits as an expert.
Building online authority can be tough when you are new to blog writing. But with the right blogging practices, you can elevate yourself and others will consider you as an expert in your field. Get over your insecurities and fears as readers can sense that. Know your content by heart and always project confidence in whatever blog post you publish.

3. Share Knowledge

A successful blog is one that is worthy of praise by other people. Readers validate your value when they are able to learn from the blog. Make it a habit not to always see blogging for money. Instead, look at it as a platform to help those who need your expertise. It is through this that people will start to follow you and want to spread the good things they have learned by sharing and linking your posts.

4. Be Motivated

Although one of the goals when you create a blog is to earn money, do not be consumed by it. The motivation should be something that is more than the monetary returns. If you are able to write just because it is making you a happier person, then have that as a motivation. Be happy on what you do and you will never lose inspiration on finding content to create.

5. Connect with the Audience

The readers are your bread and butter when you create a blog. It is a priority that you give them what they want in terms of the choice of content. But this is not enough. In order to really make it in blogging, you need to somehow connect with your audience. Connecting is not all about answering their queries or chatting with them. It is more of having a deeper bond even with indirect contact. How? Simply by making their experience fun and memorable. See to it that you use words they can understand, post stories they can relate with, and respond in a witty and quirky way. It is by being so peculiarly fun that the readers look forward to reading more from you.

6. Be an inspiration

The survival of your blog all depends on the blogging practices that you apply. A loyal readership can be achieved if you are able to meet both the needs and wants of the readers or your customer base. One of the simplest ways to do this is by offering inspiring stories that could be of help to them. Some readers are longing for company but are not able to do so in real life. They tend to read blogs that they can relate with to somehow ease their longing. Sometimes, readers are motivated with blog posts. One of your goals should be to have a blog that will inspire others, one that can help the readers when they are going through something. Here are few essential approaches to make your blog inspiring in order to build a stable readership to your blog.

7. Consistency is key

Build a solid readership by being consistent on your blog posting schedule. Do this by being realistic with your blogging practices. If you find it too difficult to blog on a daily basis, then make it clear at the start that you are only going to post on either a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Establishing a schedule will let your readers know when they can expect to hear from you. The anticipation for your next post will keep them going back so make sure to follow the schedule

8. Use productivity tools

There are tools that can help to keep an effective blogging practices. Editorial calendars, spreadsheets, alarms, and the likes are just a few examples. Use them to your advantage by remind you of the blog posting schedule. Map out the content for the whole month and the next. If you consider blogging as an art, then do the right thing and choose tools that can increase productivity and at the same time help you maintain the quality of content.

9. Use Google Analytics

The best way to check if your blogging practices are effective is by checking blog stats. This is really simple with Google Analytics so make sure to install it as soon as you learned how to blog. Check the data regularly so you can see the traffic trend. Through the records, you can analyze which kind of blog posts are liked most by the readers. Gives you insights on which of them is not looking great on stats. It is also through this tool that you can see technical problems like downtime, loss of traffic, etc.